Longfor Group views responsible marketing as an operational priority. Following the 三亿体育:Responsible Marketing Policy of Longfor Group, we have articulated a sound responsible marketing system. We require all marketing team members toꦫ sign the Marketing Red Line Behavior Commitment to regulate marketing behavior.
The Group firmly believes that marketing information transparency is an essential principle of responsible marketing. We emphasize information transparency at all stages of real estate sales. We have developed internal systems such as the Longfor Group Customer End Publicity Management System to regulate how the Group disseminates information and protect the customers' right to know.In 2023, we updated the content of the Marketing Red Line Behavior Commitment, adding ten new behavioral constraints to strengthen employee management concerning business ethics, encompassing sales compliance, related party transactions, and ethical conduct. Furthermore, the Group expanded the Marketing Alert Book library to 37 items to assist employees in regulating their behavior more effectively.91.2%
Two rounds of process evaluation per year
2 + X inspection, where 2 covers quality and safety process assessment and delivery asses🐭sment, while X is𝄹 a special inspection